Welcome to Rogo, delivered by Chapeda LLC. Maintaining the protection and integrity of the privacy rights of our users is our first priority. The following list contains our guarantees and policies which are dedicated to explaining the security measures taken to protect our users.
1. Information We Collect
- 1.1 We collect personal information that each customer voluntarily provides to Chapeda,LLC when using our service or agree to our terms. The types of personal information we collect include names, email addresses, billing addresses, payment information, as well as activity specific data to facilitate our web service.
2. How We Use Your Information (Legal basis for processing data)
We use the information we collect for various purposes, including:
- 2.1 Chapeda LLC collects all data and information to facilitate our service to customers. This includes but is not limited to, personal information to differentiate users and athletic training data. This data will be stored indefinitely via an internal FireBase database for the use of our customers to reference their personal workout metrics. The purpose of this storage is to allow users to track and maintain progress, and therefore may contain workout metrics such as routes, times, duration, distance, etc. Any notes or comments included by coaches or athletes will also be saved for this purpose and may be personally identifiable.
- 2.2 Chapeda, LLC metrics will not be shared with third-party applications unless at the discretion or preference of the user. Users may share their information with third-parties which are including but not limited to: other software, apps or sports tracking devices not associated with Chapeda, LLC.
- 2.3 Chapeda, LLC will not sell or give any personally identifiable information to any third-party groups without the explicit prior approval from its users. We believe the uninformed sale of users' information is unethical and breaches trust between our community of users and our team.
- 2.4 Chapeda, LLC is not responsible for the data security of any third-party groups or applications with which users choose to share their data.
3. Data Security
- 3.1 We take the security of your personal information very seriously and implement reasonable measures to protect it from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or disclosure.
- 3.2 Information is encrypted using Firebase Security. This data protection method is certified under major privacy and security standards and has successfully completed the ISO 27001 and SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 evaluation process.
4. Children's Privacy
- 4.1 Our services are not intended for individuals under 13 years old without consent from a legal parent or guardian. We do not knowingly collect or store personal information from children without parental consent, which is detailed in our terms and conditions document.
5. Consent and Information Disclosure
- 5.1 Chapeda LLC will not under any circumstance sell or disclose any personally identifiable information to any third-parties or other sources without explicit consent from individual users. Personally identifiable information qualifies as any data that can directly be used in a way to link or identify the user.
- 5.2 Chapeda LLC may use personally identifiable information for the following limited scenarios:
5.2.1 Legal obligations: e.g. tax reporting or regulatory requirements, search warrants, court orders or subpoenas.
5.2.2 Vital interests: in the event that such data usage is necessary to protect or save the life of an individual or group.
5.2.3 Public task or official authority
5.2.4 To be provided to coaches: coaches who are, via creating a coaching account via Chapeda LLC, authorized to obtain personally identifiable information in order to fulfill their duties as outlined in the specific coaching agreement between athlete and coach.
- 5.3 third-party affiliations:
5.3.1 Chapeda LLC may be affiliated with third-party applications and organizations (i.e. Garmin, Strava, etc.). These services may market or sell services and items to our users with your consent. Chapeda LLC users may be presented with the opportunity to sign up for these services and allow them to market to you independently.
5.3.2 If a third-party does assist with a transaction or intersection of services, we may, with the consent of the user, share information related solely to the transaction to facilitate such.
- 5.4 Aggregate information
5.4.1 Aggregate information refers to general data regarding the population of our users, which we may use to better our services and coordinate with third-party groups for the purpose of facilitating our training and coaching services.
- Example: We may inform third-parties that “50% of our users are men who train on average 4 days per week”.
5.4.2 No aggregate information shared will disclose personally identifiable information, and is solely utilized in order to improve the quality of services and cohesion between groups.
6. Changes to This Privacy Policy
- 6.1 We may update our privacy policy. Changes will be posted on this page, and the effective date will be updated accordingly.
7. Contact Us
- 7.1 If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or our practices, please contact us at [Chapeda LLC Customer Service Email Address].
This privacy policy applies to information collected through [Chapeda LLC URL] and any related services.